I based the sample syllabus found below on the syllabus for the online course, Technologies for Teaching, offered by San Diego State University.  I've worked in the course for Dr. Dodge and Dr. Wang since 2009 as a graduate assistant. The syllabus below is a modified version of the original and reflects changes to the syllabus I'd make were I the instructor.

In my work as a G.A., I created a Google Site to provide additional support to students with their projects. The site includes a screen cast to help students navigate the LMS, rubrics, and tutorials for the tools used in projects.

EDTEC 470 – Technologies for Teachers

This course is designed to prepare pre-service teachers to be effective users of technology in their teaching. The class focuses on current technologies and strategies used in today's classrooms and also covers future advances that will likely impact teachers sometime soon. You will leave this course armed with new skills in several computer applications, but more importantly you will leave feeling confident and empowered to use technology to enhance your future teaching.  The standards-based projects you create individually and in small groups can be used in your future classrooms.


Denise Henry, M.A.

Office: Building 1 Room 1
Phone: 831.123.4567
Office Hours: Meet me in the online classroom 30 minutes before or after each class and by appointment

Course Goals

At the completion of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Develop a web site to present yourself as a teacher, display professional work, and communicate expectations to students and parents.

  2. Design standards-based lessons and supplements that allow your learners to express themselves creatively.

  3. Use a variety of tools to present information in the classroom.

  4. Formatively and summatively assess student learning with software tools.

  5. Describe leading edge examples of technology integration and put them in the context of generational differences and global trends.

  6. Efficiently preform web searches to locate resources for use in the classroom.

  7. Explain legal, social and ethical issues around copyright, fair use, internet safety and digital citizenship and apply copyright knowledge to projects you create.

  8. Develop a personal system for finding, organizing, sharing and remembering information vital to your ongoing growth as a professional.

  9. Design and develop a complete, standards aligned, web-based lesson that engages learners in higher-order thinking.


You will need to be familiar with intermediate word processing and basic skills using email and the web. If you are not familiar with these please speak with your instructor about how to get up to speed.

Required Equipment

Access to a computer with reliable internet access and a headset with a built-in microphone is required to participate in class discussions and complete assignments.

Required Software

There is no need to purchase software for this course. All of the applications used offer a free trial period that allows ample time for assignment completion.

Please use Firefox, Google Chrome, or Safari to access the online classroom. Use the links found on each page to make sure that you are running the latest version of your internet browser.

Students in EDTEC 470 are expected to...

Attend and participate in classes. In-class activities, discussion, group work and demonstrations are important for applying educational technology concepts and methods and will contribute to your course participation grade. Our discussions will maintain a professional, collegial tone to insure equality and respect in our class. EDTEC 470 is a class for teachers, so you will be expected to participate as a professional.

Please be on time for class. Latecomers are distracting to all of us.

If you need to miss a class, you should let your instructor know as soon as possible via email.
When you miss a class, you are responsible for making up any missed work and viewing the archived class session in Blackboard.

Please visit the course schedule and read through the materials and assignments for the class you have missed. Contact a peer or the instructor with any questions you might have about the content you missed. Speak more with your instructor if you should need an extension on an assignment due to your absence.


  • Assignments are tied to specific lessons in the class. Points are credited to each assignment based on timeliness, effort and level of completion, creativity/originality and technical proficiency.

  • Due dates are posted on the assignment schedule page. Contact the instructor or TA to request an extension to the posted due date. Assignments turned in late without extension approval will receive only half credit. Assignments more than two weeks late will receive no credit.

  • Submit assignments to BB's Assignments. You will also add some of your projects to your professional web site to showcase your course work.

  • Grading Rubrics for all Assignments are posted on the course tools help web site.

Assignment and Grading




Mini Projects (See Class 8-9): upload your files to Blackboard's Assignments (Click on Assignments from the left menu, click on the name of the assignment, upload a file or paste a URL in the comment box, click SUBMIT).

see each mini-project page on schedule

Atten SDCUE conference and write a report to replace 1 mini-project

Mini1: Oct. 30

Mini2: Nov. 6

(50 pts each, 100 pts total)

example on BB->Course docs


Music Video: submit the youtube URL to this Google Form | View submission (please remember to embed the video on your professional site)

Newton's Laws

More examples on Support Site

Class 5 (Sep. 26)

100 pts


Personal Learning System: submit URL to this Google Form; View Submission

Derek L

Class 9 (Oct.23)

100 pts


WebQuest (more links are on Schedule, class 11-12). Use group Code provided in class

Check our group site and make sure your WQ is on there. You don't need to email me the URL.

Roller Coaster

Class 15 (Dec. 4)

100 pts



Professional Web Site (submit URL to this Google Form; see URLS submitted); if no change in URL, no need to resubmit. We'll grade it after Dec. 11.

Help for GoogleSites

Dale P

Class 16 (Dec.11)

100 pts




500 points


Academic Integrity

Students in EDTEC 470 are aspiring teachers and are expected to apply the knowledge gained in this course surrounding fair use and copyright infringement to the creation of their projects.

Students with Special Needs

Students with special needs should speak with the instruction privately during the first week of class via email and / or contact Student Disability Services at San Diego State University at http://www.sa.sdsu.edu/sds/index.html.


Please keep in mind the following definitions of grading standards from the General Catalog:

  • A = Outstanding achievement; available only for the highest accomplishment

  • B = Praiseworthy performance; definitely above average

  • C = average; awarded for satisfactory performance...

The bottom line is this: A's are reserved for exemplary performance that goes beyond expectations.

Grade Letter














And so on...

76 and below